Use of TANOVEA-CA1™ in Dogs with Lymphoid Leukemia or Multiple Myeloma

Trial ended July 2021.

Patient Disease:

Canine Lymphoid Leukemia or Multiple Myeloma

Study Name:

Protocol for the Use of TANOVEA-CA1™ (Rabacfosadine for Injection) in Dogs with Lymphoid Leukemia or Multiple Myeloma

Purpose of the study:

  • To evaluate efficacy of rabacfosadine to treat dogs with lymphoid leukemia or multiple myeloma

Primary Eligibility Criteria:

  • Dogs diagnosed with leukemia or multiple myeloma
  • Prior to enrollment dogs must undergo some eligibility testing and be deemed free of other underlying diseases
  • Chest x-rays are strongly recommended

Study Protocol:

  • Pre-enrollment: Physical exam blood work and urine testing, cytology or histology of tumor, immunophenotyping of the tumor
  • Rabacfosadine will be administered Day 0 (first day of the clinical trial), Day 21, Day 42, Day 63, and Day 84; at each visit there will be a physical exam and blood testing and urinalysis performed
  • Day 7: physical exam and blood test
  • Once this protocol is finished, the patient will be rechecked monthly
  • Pets must come to CSU for all visits related to the clinical trial

Owner Responsibilities:

  • To make and keep all appointments according to study protocol, and follow up examinations

Financial Incentives:

  • Clients will receive rabacfosadine (drug only) at no cost
  • Clients will be responsible for costs of recheck exams, blood tests and any ancillary medications, costs of rabacfosadine administration, as well as treatment of any side effects that occur

If you have further questions about any of our clinical trials, please submit an online consult form. Your consult will then be directed to our trials team. Requests are typically returned within 5 business days.


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