Our focus is on providing compassionate and comprehensive care for every patient, but we understand that not every family can access our care. Thanks to generous donors, we have the opportunity to provide financial support through a variety of patient assistance funds. Also, our free consult service offers veterinarians and concerned pet owners, from around the world, the chance to connect with our oncology specialists to ask questions and learn the latest information to help inform patient treatment.
Now more than ever, pets with cancer need your help. Please consider a gift to one of our patient assistance funds or our consult service so that we can continue to connect pets with the cancer treatment they need.
Friends of Nan Bush and Palomino

Your gift to the Friends of Nan Bush and Palomino fund provides financial assistance to families in need seeking treatment for their companion at the Flint Animal Cancer Center.
The fund was established in 2008 by Nan Bush’s husband to honor the special bond she had with her Golden Retriever, Palomino. Palomino was a therapy dog and Nan’s constant companion. Each year, nearly 50 families receive up to $1,000 in financial support for cancer treatment for their cherished pet. Photo credit: ©Bruce Weber
Holly's Legacy

Your gift supports grants for patients whose humans are elderly, have a disability, and/or are active duty military or veterans and are seeking treatment for their pets at the Flint Animal Cancer Center. For families living on a fixed income, this fund ensures money does not have to be a barrier to care.
Holly’s family established this fund in 2016 in memory of the joy she brought to their lives, even as she endured cancer. Your generous help provides meaningful support not only for our patients but also for their companions during a challenging time in their lives.
Jessy's Leash of Love

Your gift provides grants for life-saving treatment for cancer patients whose families demonstrate financial need.
This fund was established in honor of Jessy, a FACC patient, who lost her battle with maxillary osteosarcoma. During Jessy’s treatment, her owner spent many hours at the FACC and met a variety of pet families, some of whom were anxious not only about the health of their pets but also about the cost of treatment. Grateful that she was able to afford Jessy’s care but heartbroken for those she met, she decided to establish Jessy’s Leash of Love to help ease the financial stress for others.
Flint Animal Cancer Center Consult Service

With your support of the Flint Animal Cancer Center Consult Service, we can extend our reach beyond our clinic walls and help thousands of more pets with cancer each year.
As members of a land grant institution, the Flint Animal Cancer Center has been committed since the beginning to sharing our knowledge and expertise. Through our FREE Consult Service, our oncology specialists help referring veterinarians and concerned pet owners. This vital outreach allows us to answer questions and offer evidence-based information to help make informed treatment decisions.
Make checks payable to Colorado State University Foundation. Please note the specific fund name (i.e., Friends of Nan Bush and Palomino) in the memo.
Mail to:
Colorado State University Foundation
P. O. Box 1870
Fort Collins, CO 80522