Patient Disease:

Canine Osteosarcoma

Study Name:

The Effect of Intravenous Carboplatin on Pain Control in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma

Purpose of the study:

  • To determine the effect on lameness, activity and sleep quality in dogs with long bone osteosarcoma after a dose of intravenous carboplatin

Primary Eligibility Criteria:

  • Biopsy/cytology-confirmed diagnosis of osteosarcoma of the leg with lameness present; must be able to bear weight on limb
  • Adequate blood work
  • No prior treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy; 30-day washout from bisphosphonates
  • Must be on standard oral pain control regimen for 7 days prior to starting study
  • No suspected/confirmed spread of disease to bone
  • Pets must come to CSU for all visits related to the clinical trial

Study Protocol:

  • Single dose of carboplatin given on Day 0
  • Activity monitor placement, orthopedic exam, and force plate gait analysis performed prior to treatment and then weekly for 3 weeks
  • Limb x-rays taken prior to treatment and at Day 21; complete blood count performed on Days 14 and 21

Owner Responsibilities:

  • Owners are responsible for the activity monitor while around your dog’s neck and for keeping a record of any activities that you do with your dog (i.e. if you go to the dog park you will need to keep a note of the date and time)
  • To make and keep all appointments associated with the study
  • Owners are responsible for any other costs related to management of chemotherapy adverse events beyond the initial medications paid for by the study as well as the cost of pain medications

Financial Incentives:

  • The study will cover all costs of pre-enrollment diagnostics, including complete blood count, chemistry profile, urinalysis, chest and limb x-rays, and tumor aspirate/biopsy for diagnosis
  • Once enrolled, costs of a single carboplatin treatment, recheck visits, repeated blood work, and xrays of the limb with the tumor will be covered by the study
  • The study will cover the cost of oral medications (anti-nausea/anti-diarrheal) dispensed at the time of carboplatin treatment for possible chemotherapy adverse events

If you have further questions about any of our clinical trials, please submit an online consult form. Your consult will then be directed to our trials team. Requests are typically returned within 5 business days.