Feasibility and tolerability of a complete and novel canine diet in canine patients treated for lymphoma

Trial Ended September 2020.

Patient Disease:

Canine Lymphoma

Study Name:

Feasibility and tolerability of a complete and novel canine diet in canine patients treated for lymphoma

Purpose of the study:

  • To determine the tolerability and digestibility of this diet in dogs with lymphoma undergoing treatment with the CHOP chemotherapy protocol.
  • Ultimately, to substantiate the potential beneficial roles of nutrition in the management of cancer in dogs

Primary Eligibility Criteria:

  • Dogs diagnosed with lymphoma that will be treated with CHOP chemotherapy protocol
  • No prior chemotherapy or radiation therapy for the lymphoma
  • Otherwise healthy and free of other major diseases
  • Pets must come to CSU for all visits related to the clinical trial

Study Protocol:

  • Currently enrolling patients into the control arm where there is no diet change
  • Pre-enrollment: diet history, fecal exam
  • Week 1: Physical exam, blood sampling, chemotherapy treatment
  • Week 2-15: chemotherapy treatments per CHOP schedule (weekly), intermittent fecal sample collections

Owner Responsibilities:

  • Collect stool samples over a 24 hour period for 4 days during the study protocol
  • To provide three additional single fecal samples throughout the study
  • Treat your dog with the CHOP protocol as indicated by your oncology clinician

Financial Incentives:

  • A $500 compensation in VTH credit will be granted on week 7 of treatment, and another $500 will be provided in the end of the study.

If you have further questions about any of our clinical trials, please submit anĀ online consult form. Your consult will then be directed to our trials team. Requests are typically returned within 5 business days.

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